A sampling of current projects
This 4-year project is funded by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities and the National Institutes of Health. Over a 2 year period, this project will track long-term and short-term changes in social connectedness and corresponding trajectories of markers of mental and cardio metabolic health.
COVID-19 on the Blackfeet reservation
Longitudinal study to better understand the ways in which the pandemic is affecting mental and physical health on the Blackfeet Reservation
COVID-19: Implications for American Indians across the United States
Prospective work looking at changes in sleep quality, mental health, food security, social interactions, and social support as relate to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Development of a health mindset intervention
In partnership with members of the Blackfeet Tribal Community, we are developing a health mindset intervention, aiming to promote a growth health mindset in order to reduce disease risk for community members.
A four year longitudinal study in college students examining changes in social connectedness, biobehavioral factors as a function of early life experiences
Daily life processes during pregnancy: connecting early life maternal adversity and postnatal outcomes
In this study, we use ecological momentary assessment during pregnancy and after along with tracking infant outcomes to understand how early life maternal adversity may shape pregnancy and infant outcomes.
Early life adversity and memory processes
In this study, we are interested in understanding how early life adversity shapes physiological reactivity and subsequent memory and attentional biases.